Custom Educational Tools
The client
ASHP is the largest association of pharmacy professionals in the United States, representing 60,000 pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians in all patient care settings. ASHP champions innovation in pharmacy practice, advanced education, and professional development, among other things.
Our role
Leverage web-based technology to help ASHP meet a variety of goals. Each of the assets we designed and developed had unique requirements with respect to audience, technology stack, and content management strategy. Some assets have been in service for 5+ years and others are only online for a brief period of time.
The work
Over the last 20 years edgimo has been ASHP's go to vendor for strategy, design, development and management services. We worked with ASHP to develop multiple web sites designed to help pharmacists in health-systems better their practice. A few examples:
Outsourcing Vendor Assessment Tool - Helps pharmacists evaluate potential vendors to which they can outsource the preparation of sterile products. Website
Controlled Substance Diversion Prevention Plan - Helps pharmacists evaluate the alignment of their practice with the best practices for preventing controlled substance diversion. Website
Practice Advancement Assessment Tool - ASHP developed a practice advancement initiative for 2030. This tools helps pharmacists see how their practice aligns with the initiative and identify areas on which they should focus their efforts. Assessment Tool
Occupational Burnout Calculator - A staple of ASHP's Wellness resource center helps pharmacists calculate the rate of occupational burnout and estimate the potential savings of their efforts to reduce burnout. Calculator